Simplon’s commitment to quality
The aim for a SIMPLON bike is simple: it has to fit like a glove. Always and in every regard. That’s why our bikes are tailored to the needs of our customers. Down to the smallest details. Perfection paired with personality – that’s what makes our bikes so special! And because we stand behind our products 100 per cent, we regard our warranty as a promise of quality to you!
Warranty Period
6 years with registration or 4 years without registration on the SIMPLON frame and forks from the initial purchase date (for material fracture and manufacturing errors).
2 years on components from the initial purchase date.
To profit from the 6 year extended warranty on SIMPLON frame and forks, please register online within 20 days of the date of purchase. This service is free of charge.
Please keep your purchase receipt for your bike or frame in a safe place.
The legal warranty is not affected by the voluntary SIMPLON extended breakage warranty. For the paint job / finish legal warranty conditions apply. To be able to clam your warranty it is necessary to adhere to the following warranty conditions.
Warranty Conditions
The warranty is only valid for the initial buyer of the affected bike and is non-transferable.
If a claim is made under warranty, then the warranty period will not be extended nor will it start again.
Present the completed bike pass stamped with the dealer's stamp, as well as the purchase receipt is absolutely necessary. Otherwise dealing positively and quickly with the warranty is not possible.
SIMPLON reserves the right to reject rectifying defects, if the necessary documents are not presented with the parts subject to complaint or if the bike pass is incomplete, illegible or the entries can be proven to have been faked.
The guarantee / warranty does not include any of the following points:
- Accidents or other events which were not in the power of SIMPLON
- Repairs by third parties who are not authorised SIMPLON specialist dealers.
- Bikes where the frame number has been changed, removed or made illegible.
A claim under warranty should always be made at an authorised SIMPLON specialist dealer (in the best case at the dealers where you bought the bike). In the case of a claim under warranty, SIMPLON has the possibility to repair or replace the defect parts at their own discretion. Should a component of the same type, size or colour SIMPLON can make a part available which is seen as the successor part to fulfil the claim under warranty. The warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defect parts. In addition no further claims can be asserted. The extended warranty period, which exceeds the statutory warranty, is only valid for the defective component. Any necessary labour or incurred packaging or shipping costs have to be borne by the buyer.- To be able to profit from the extended warranty, after 100-200 kilometres all moving parts need to be checked for their setting, as well as all nuts, screws, cranks, pedals, spoke nipples have to be re-tightened and the first service needs to be confirmed in the service check list.
Parts excluded from the warranty, are parts which have come from natural wear, i.e. bulbs, dynamos, chains, tyres, rims, brake pads, grips, hubs, steering and gear bearings, rear end bearings and damper bushes as well as any damages which come from improper handling, poor maintenance and care, normal use, or added parts which are not suited to that bike.
If the frame or forks are re-painted the warranty becomes void, as we have no influence on the preliminary work and the paintwork, as the frame or forks might be subject to invisible pre-impairment.
Furthermore no claim can be made under warranty if changes have been made to the original construction or the bike wasn't used under normal circumstances (i.e. freestyle, stunt shows etc.) or any other excessive strain. Also excluded are any claims for late damages which are a result of previous crashes or accidents.
For damages which are caused by non-compatible or unsuitable add-on components no claim under warranty is possible.
The technology of our carbon frames is designed especially for extremely lightweight. This is why the visible carbon fibre has an important supportive function at the points where it is only clearly lacquered. By contrast to other manufacturers where the visible carbon is only added for cosmetic reasons, with our production methods some minor shifts of the layers may occur during the hardening in the mould. Carbon's reflexive behaviour makes even minor shifts in the carbon weave visible. Such irregularities occur for technological reasons and cannot be completely prevented, this is why they are not a manufacturing fault.
Due to the special behaviour in real life it's possible that hairline cracks or fractures may occur in the filling or paint layer during its lifetime. Such cracks are only small cosmetic minor defects and are not a reason for claiming under warranty.
SIMPLON offers the initial buyer a voluntary extended warranty period of 4 years for breakage of SIMPLON frames or SIMPLON solid forks due to material or manufacturing errors.
For bikes or frame sets which were sold after 1st October 2009, initial buyers can extend this warranty period to 6 years in total.
Pre-requisite for this warranty extension is online registration of the bike or frame set. This registration is only valid if it is done within 20 days from the date of purchase.
For SIMPLON carbon frames this registration also includes the possibility of a claim for a crash replacement (not applicable for aluminium frames).
In any case please ensure you keep the purchase receipt (invoice) for your frame or bike, in spite of registration, as in case of a claim proof of purchase is required.
Details of the warranty conditions and the Crash Replacement Programme can be found in detail on our website under the corresponding menu items.
It is possible to register bikes which were bought before 1st October 2009 but it neither prolongs the length of warranty nor does it entitle you to crash replacement.
With a SIMPLON bike you have purchased a high-quality product, manufactured in Austria, which has been developed to the highest demands and assembled with exceptional craftsmanship precision.
So as not to leave you in the lurch, as the first owner in difficult situations, we offer a Crash Replacement scheme on our carbon frames and carbon forks for 2 years after the date of purchase from the model years 2010 to 2016. From the 2017 model year SIMPLON offers you 3 years crash replacement from the date of purchase. The model year can be found on the warranty card enclosed with your bike.
It doesn't matter whether you had a heavy fall or an accident or if your SIMPLON carbon frames or carbon forks were no longer operational for any other reason. We give you the possibility to buy your or a comparable carbon frame or carbon forks from SIMPLON at cheaper rates.
Crash-Replacement Offer:
a) Model years 2010-2016:
- In the first year after date of purchase you will get 50% off the retail price of the spare part
- In the second year after date of purchase you will get 35% off the retail price of the spare part
b) From 2017 model year:
- In the first three years after date of purchase you will get a 50% off the retail price of the spare part. SIMPLON will reimburse the SIMPLON dealer € 33 (Austria, Germany, Italy) or CHF 50 (CH & FL) for the administrative costs of processing the crash replacement
All freight costs (shipping, customs etc). , or charges for re-assembly should be paid to the dealer by the first owner. The Crash Replacement offer only applies to the frame. It cannot be credited towards the cost of a complete new bike.
Crash Replacement Conditions:
- The SIMPLON offer is strictly limited to the initial owner, who registered online via www.simplon.com within 20 days from the date of purchase (invoice date) as the owner
- Our offer only applies to SIMPLON carbon frames (without suspension) and carbon forks
- Our offer does not apply to products which have already been replaced under warranty or guarantee
- The damage must affect the functionality (optical damage is excluded)
- The damages should not have been caused wilfully
- The bike must have been purchased via an authorised SIMPLON dealer
- The Crash Replacement must be handled and dealt with by an authorised SIMPLON dealer
- The Crash Replacement form which can be printed out via www.simplon.com must be fully completed. A fully-completed form is a requirement for processing of your Crash-Replacement request
- The damaged product must be returned to us by the SIMPLON dealer (shipping costs need to be borne by the initial owner)
- If you would like to claim a Crash Replacement as the first owner.
- Please visit your SIMPLON dealer and discuss the process with him.
- The SIMPLON dealer will get in touch with the SIMPLON Service Centre and will get a CR processing number (which must always be quoted on the "Crash Replacement" form).
- As first owner please complete the fields "Personal Data", "Dealer details", "Carbon frame / forks details and "Accident form" on the Crash Replacement form and then sign it.
- The SIMPLON dealer will fax the Crash Replacement request to us before sending the goods to SIMPLON.
- The following documents must be sent with the goods: Copy of invoice (from first owner) // Completed original guarantee card (last page of the manual) // Fully completed Crash Replacement form
- The damaged goods will be sent to us by the SIMPLON dealer.
- The shipping box should be labelled "Crash Replacement"
If SIMPLON ascertains that the damage has been caused wilfully, then SIMPLON reserves the right to revoke the Crash Replacement! A replacement of the carbon frame and carbon forks in advance as part of the Crash Replacement scheme is unfortunately not possible.